Scientists have called for curbs on cellphone towers and overuse of mobiles as evidence mounts on health risk posed by them
World Health Organisation (WHO) said in May last year that mobile phones may cause cancer. It urged phone owners to limit their use and take ‘pragmatic’ measures to reduce exposure to mobiles
WHO reviewed 21 scientifi c studies from 14 countries
In India, an inter-ministerial committee formed to examine the effect of EMF (electromagnetic field) radiation from base stations and mobile phones, stated cause and effect could not be established. However, it recommended lowering of mobile tower’s EMF exposure limit to a tenth of the existing norm
The committee recommended reducing the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) – a measure of the amount of radio frequency energy absorbed by the body while using a phone – to 1.6 watt/kg, as prescribed by the Federal Communication Commission of US, from 2 watt/kg
The recommendations were accepted and mobile operators have to make these changes by September 1, 2012
Level of risk
WHO concluded mobile use is ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’, a term that places mobiles in the middle of a rating scale that contains fi ve levels of carcinogens So, mobiles are ranked below things that are definitely known to cause cancer, such as smoking
How it may harm
Mobiles emit signals in the form of radio waves. These microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation
When we hold a mobile against our ear, the radiation is in direct contact with the tissue in our head
The fear is that this radiation may cause changes in the brain cells
If DNA in these brain cells gets damaged, they may become cancerous and cause brain tumours, in particular gliomas
This is a rare type of tumour that typically starts in the brain or spine and can cause headaches, nausea, vomiting and seizures
Reason to worry There are more than 900 million mobile subscribers in India. Many youngsters and professionals are using them more than ever – up to two hours daily
Cancer not only concern
Excessive use of cellphones has been linked to a burning and tingling sensation inscalp, headache, ringing in ears, fatigue, dizziness and sleep disturbance. Many users complain about lack of concentration and increase in reaction time. However, no scientifi c evidence so far
Use of mobiles while crossing the road or driving has risk of accident Dos and Don’ts
Use a hands-free system so that the phone is not close to your head, and send texts whenever possible rather than calling someone up Keep your calls short, especially in case of kids and pregnant women If you have an active medical implant, keep phone at least 30cm away
Tower Curbs Lower radiation frequency exposure limits to 1/10th of existing level Restrict installation of mobile towers near crowded residential areas, schools, playgrounds and hospitals
How safe is a cordless phone? IIT Mumbai professor Girish Kumar says range of a cordless phone is limited and it transmits about 10 milliwatt of power while mobile phones transmit close to 1000 milliwatt of power. So, cordless phones are safer
Scientists have called for curbs on cellphone towers and overuse of mobiles as evidence mounts on health risk posed by them
World Health Organisation (WHO) said in May last year that mobile phones may cause cancer. It urged phone owners to limit their use and take ‘pragmatic’ measures to reduce exposure to mobiles
WHO reviewed 21 scientifi c studies from 14 countries
In India, an inter-ministerial committee formed to examine the effect of EMF (electromagnetic field) radiation from base stations and mobile phones, stated cause and effect could not be established. However, it recommended lowering of mobile tower’s EMF exposure limit to a tenth of the existing norm
The committee recommended reducing the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) – a measure of the amount of radio frequency energy absorbed by the body while using a phone – to 1.6 watt/kg, as prescribed by the Federal Communication Commission of US, from 2 watt/kg
The recommendations were accepted and mobile operators have to make these changes by September 1, 2012
Level of risk
WHO concluded mobile use is ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’, a term that places mobiles in the middle of a rating scale that contains fi ve levels of carcinogens So, mobiles are ranked below things that are definitely known to cause cancer, such as smoking
How it may harm
Mobiles emit signals in the form of radio waves. These microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation
When we hold a mobile against our ear, the radiation is in direct contact with the tissue in our head
The fear is that this radiation may cause changes in the brain cells
If DNA in these brain cells gets damaged, they may become cancerous and cause brain tumours, in particular gliomas
This is a rare type of tumour that typically starts in the brain or spine and can cause headaches, nausea, vomiting and seizures
Reason to worry There are more than 900 million mobile subscribers in India. Many youngsters and professionals are using them more than ever – up to two hours daily
Cancer not only concern
Excessive use of cellphones has been linked to a burning and tingling sensation inscalp, headache, ringing in ears, fatigue, dizziness and sleep disturbance. Many users complain about lack of concentration and increase in reaction time. However, no scientifi c evidence so far
Use of mobiles while crossing the road or driving has risk of accident Dos and Don’ts
Use a hands-free system so that the phone is not close to your head, and send texts whenever possible rather than calling someone up Keep your calls short, especially in case of kids and pregnant women If you have an active medical implant, keep phone at least 30cm away
Tower Curbs Lower radiation frequency exposure limits to 1/10th of existing level Restrict installation of mobile towers near crowded residential areas, schools, playgrounds and hospitals
How safe is a cordless phone? IIT Mumbai professor Girish Kumar says range of a cordless phone is limited and it transmits about 10 milliwatt of power while mobile phones transmit close to 1000 milliwatt of power. So, cordless phones are safer